Universal Windows Platform is a computing platform created by Microsoft and first introduced in Windows 10. The purpose of this platform is to help develop universal apps that run on Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Xbox One and HoloLens without the need to be rewritten for each.

A Universal Windows app was first introduced in Windows 8 as the Windows Runtime, which was built upon the Universal Application Platform.

Now, in Windows 10, the name of the Universal Application Platform has been changed to Universal Windows Platform (UWP). You can build modern and fully immersive apps by targeting Windows 10 devices for Windows Store such as PC, tablet, phone, etc.

In Windows 10, you can easily develop applications to reach all the devices supported on Windows 10 with just −

  • One API set
  • One app package
  • And one store

The Universal Windows Platform also supports different screen sizes and different interaction models such as touch pad, mouse & keyboard, a game controller, or a pen.